Imagen de Juan Buenrostro

Hello, I'm Juan Buenrostro.

Systems engineer student from Saltillo, México. I always think about improving and using organization to learn more about other technologies.

Work Experience

Trainee Full Stack Developer


I have had the opportunity to automate the manufacturing process, quality and materials management in companies such as MAGNA.

Implement better application management by using Git and Github, facilitating teamwork in the office

Provide solutions to optimize and improve the software made in the company


Blackline | Soluciones impresas profesionales | In progress !!

Blackline | Soluciones impresas profesionales | In progress !!

  • Astro
  • Tailwind
Web page for a printing company. It was built with Astro and Tailwind CSS. It has a contact form that sends an order to the company.
API REST Blackline | In progress !!

API REST Blackline | In progress !!

  • Java
  • Spring
  • MySQL
  • Docker
API REST for Blackline. It is building with Java, Spring Boot, MySQL and Docker.


Programming Languages

Libraries / Frameworks


Devops / Cloud


About Me

I'm a mexican developer with a passion for building and designing web applications. I'm currently studing Computer Systems Engineering at Tecnologico de Saltillo. I'm passionate about learning new technologies and building applications that solve real-world problems.
